Real-World Translation of Medical Technology

Dr. Shah and his research group have significant expertise and motivation to bring problems from the clinic and society into the laboratory to develop novel bioengineering solutions and perform real world prospective clinical evaluations. The lab has supported patients, clinicians and industry collaborators by providing innovative medical technologies using mobile phones, microfluidics, and optics and photonics devices for generating at home and point-of-care real world data and evidence.
Example Projects and Collaborations:
- Evaluating Real-World Public Health Data from Non-Invasive Diagnostic Technologies: In a study led by Dr. Shah his lab published in the British Medical Journal, in collaboration with Harvard School of Public Health, evaluated the significance and efficacy of real world data generated from the United States Food and Drug Administration approved advanced technology-enabled, non-invasive diagnostic screening (TES) smartphones and other point-of-care medical imaging devices vs. conventional vital signs examinations (Project and publication link). This study led to significant insights regarding strategies for developing TES technologies that are ready for deployment and designed for effective and scalable primary care and real-world evidence generation.
- Developing a Microfluidic Assay for Sensitive Pathogen Detection: Dr. Shah was the Co-Principal Investigator in a collaboration funded by the Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS) with MIT Mechanical Engineering for developing an affinity ligand-based whole-cell capture, concentration, and culture for sensitive pathogen detection food safety tests. This microfluidic microbiological assay is suitable for implementation in an integrated bench top device for use by moderately-trained technicians directly at production sites in a format that preserves cells for further downstream testing (Project link).
- Lateral Flow Diagnostic Strips and Bio-Digital Wearables for Saliva Biomarkers: In collaboration with MIT Chemical Engineering and other researchers Dr. Shah and his lab contributed to developing and publishing biochemistry protocols for a lateral flow diagnostic strip and bio-digital wearable devices to detect biomarkers in human saliva samples. Biomarkers such as matrix metalloproteinases-8 and -9, pH and nitric oxide linked to oral diseases, stress and human physiology have been successfully integrated with our platforms (Project and publication link).
- Low-Cost Sleep Apnea Screening via Physiological Monitoring Mask: A study of a low-cost mask to screen for sleep apnea through physiological monitoring: respiratory activity (airflow and nasal air pressure) and sleep behavior (motion and noise) was published (Project and publication link).
- Point-of-Care Optics and Near-Infrared Imaging Devices for Dental Diagnostics: Dr. Shah led research projects in his research group that reported construction and validation of low-cost, point-of-care, 2D and 3D near-infrared imaging devices and technology to diagnose dental caries, cracks, and demineralization without the use of ionizing X-rays (Project and publication link, Project and publication link, Project and publication link).
- Open-Source Imaging Device for Portable Diagnostics: Dr. Shah’s research group in collaboration with MIT Medical and Tufts School of Medicine has open-sourced the construction and the algorithm of porphyrin and other imaging device, and created a cell phone clip that can be used on a mobile phone camera (Project and publication link).
Digital reconstruction of teeth using near-infrared light
Keith Angelino, Yauney G, Rana A, Muftu A, Edlund D, Shah P*
(*Senior author supervising research)
41st IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857734
Read More >>2018
Technology-enabled examinations evaluated jointly with routine health screenings: an observational study at the 2015 Kumbh Mela in India
Pratik Shah*†, Yauney G†, Gupta O, Patalano V, Mohit M, Merchant R, Subramanian SV
(*Senior author supervising research, †Contributed equally)
The British Medical Journal Open. PMID: 29678964
Read More >>2017
Detection of biomarkers of periodontal disease in human saliva using stabilized, vertical flow immunoassays
Emma Yee, Lathwal S, Shah P, Sikes H
ACS Sensors. PMID: 29090909
Read More >>2019
Wearable lab on body: combining sensing of biochemical and digital markers in a wearable device
Pat Pataranutaporn, Jain A, Johnson C, Shah P, Maes P
41st IEEE EMBC Conference. PMID: 31946594
Design and preliminary evaluation of a wearable device for mass screening of sleep apnea
Rohan Puri, Athanasios A, Gill N, Sathya S, Rathod G, Wahi A, Satat G, Majmudar M, Shah P*
(*Senior author supervising research)
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. PMID: 28268691
Read More >>2017
Near-infrared transillumination guides administration of dental 2D radiography and CBCT imaging
Keith Angelino, Edlund D, Bhatia G, Wu S, Shah P*♯
(*Senior author supervising research, ♯Selected for oral presentation)
17th annual IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering. DOI: 10.1109/BIBE.2017.00-33
Read More >>2017
Near-infrared imaging for detecting caries and structural deformities in teeth
Keith Angelino, Edlund D and Shah P*
(*Senior author supervising research)
Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. PMID: 28507826
Read More >>2017
Clinical validation and assessment of a modular fluorescent imaging system and algorithm for rapid detection and quantification of dental plaque
Pratik Shah*†, Angelino K†, Edlund D, Mohit M, Yauney G
(*Senior author supervising research, †Contributed equally)
BMC Oral. PMID: 29284461
Read More >>Select Talks
- 2023 - NIH and UCI sytems biology lecture on data science for medicine
- 2022 - Workshop on governance of AI and impact of emerging technologies on society
- 2019 - Understanding biomarker science: from molecules to images
- 2018 - Academic inventions for societal benefits
- 2018 - Innovating for billions with computational sensors
- 2016 - Making healthcare accessible, printable and deployable - INKtalks, Goa, India [YouTube Link]
At-Home Sleep Apnea Screening
Congratulations to Pratik Shah on being selected as an AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassador
July 23, 2018
Washington, DC
National Institutes of Health invites Pratik Shah as Startup + Tech Transfer study section member and grant reviewer
July 13, 2020 - July 14, 2020
Bethesda, MD
Pratik Shah gives presentation at 2019 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
July 23, 2019 - July 27, 2019
CityCube Berlin
Pratik Shah invited to speak at MIT AI in Life Sciences and Healthcare Conference
December 4, 2018
Cambridge, MA
Pratik Shah invited to the National Institutes of Health as a Study Section Member and Grant Reviewer for ODCS Study Section
June 6, 2019 - June 7, 2019
Bethesda, MD